

Jack pooped on the potty instead of in his underwear last night.

The weather here has been 50 degrees in the morning and 80 by the afternoon which makes dressing for the day almost impossible.
I just ordered the kids Halloween costumes last night. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
Why is getting up earlier in the mornings so hard? I’ve already failed 3/3 mornings this week.
Ben’s had a cold this week and even though I know the poor thing can’t help it, his coughing is so annoying and drives me crazy. 
J and I watched Vacation last weekend and despite receiving a rotten rating, we both thought it was one of the funniest movies we’ve seen in a long time. 
I made a new recipe for dinner this week and it was disgusting. Pinterest needs to get a dislike button asap.
Hope you all have a great Wednesday. We’re halfway to Friday!

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