5 on Friday

Friday, Friday

Whose ready for a 3 day weekend? Me, me, me! 
Although Labor day marks the close of Summer and pools everywhere, we may be taking one last swim with temps like these. I’m jealous when I read about some of the fall like weather many of you are already having and I’m really wishing for some cooler days. 
With fall just around the corner, I’m so glad I found this tutorial on Pinterest because I’m never quite sure how cuff my jeans with booties. Now I know!

Ben’s front tooth had been wiggly for quite some time and of course he (and daddy) pulled it out the night before picture day. I think it just adds to his cuteness don’t you?

Even though I knew I totally shouldn’t have, I bought a bag of candy corn the other day. I went with the “autumn mix” that has the normal candy corn, chocolate candy corn, and pumpkins because I hate the chocolate ones and knew this would keep me from eating the whole bag. #noselfcontrol I was so sad when this was all that was left.
My birthday is October 1 and J and I are taking an adults only trip to Chicago for the long weekend! I’ve been several times and already have plenty of places that I want to eat at, but what are some of your favorites? Any hidden restaurants or things you’ve done that not many people know about? Let me know!
I hope you all have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!!
Linking up with AmandaKarli, & Liz


  • Jenn

    Oh my gosh, I'm so envious of your bday trip to Chicago!!! Have you been to The Purple Pig for dinner? If not, you HAVE to go! We also ate at The Gage for lunch (their smoked salmon BLT is to die for). Let me know if you want any other tips for things we did/places we went! If you have time, I totally suggest doing a food tour!

  • Rachel

    I'm no fan of the chocolate candy corn either, but the regular kind–that's probably the only thing I actually like about fall. haha! However, I am grateful it never gets into the 100s where I live–I might not like summer weather quite so much if it was like that.

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