Goals & Resolutions

Resolutions for 2014

Resolutions: A firm decision to do or not to do something
I know a lot of people don’t like the idea of resolutions. They argue that it’s too easy to break resolutions or forget about them. But by the definition of a resolution, aren’t we then just deciding not to do something we set out to do? It’s seems like by not making resolutions and not doing them, we’re making a conscious effort to not improve ourselves and live our best life.
Whether you call them resolutions, goals, or sh*t I want to do, here’s what I’m committing to this year.
1. Family Time
Be more present with the boys, especially Ben. J and I are going to devote special one on one time with each boy each week. It can be an outing or just doing something special at home. I also want to spend more time with J outside of the house. I’m not committing us to a date night every month like last year, but I do want us to do something where we can get away from the monotony of everyday life.
2. Less negativity 
This not only includes the things I say and do, but the people I surround myself with. 
3. Healthy Living
Getting back into a gym routine and working out at least 3 days a week. I’d like to run another 1/2 marathon and am planning on the Go! 1/2 marathon in St. Louis on April 6th. I also want to do another color run and a few other local races in town. Healthy living also means continuing to take my lunch to work more times than I eat out. I’m also going to cut down my soda intake to once a month. I don’t drink a ton of it so it shouldn’t be that hard to do.
4. Organization
Our home management binder is organized and up to date so now it’s time to tackle things room by room. This means finding a place for everything and purging or donating what we no longer use or need. Simplicity is key. I also need to do better at keeping my purse and the diaper bag clean and organized.
5. Professional Growth
Continue to balance work life and home life. By the end of last year I did pretty good at only working late one night a week and there were several weeks where I did’t work late at all. I also want to grow more as a professional, read more articles and books, and put into practice things I’ve learned at conferences and trainings. 
6. Personal Growth
Read more books, both educational and fun. I want to start a daily devotional and Jesus Calling has been on my list forever. I also need to spend more time in prayer. I want to travel more, even if it’s just to new places in our own state. Mastering new recipes in the kitchen is important and I want to become more creative in my everyday fashion choices. I also need to cut down on the cussing:) And the last big one, get better with time management. Before having Jack I was almost always early. Now I’m almost always late and that needs to stop. I also want to do more of the little unexpected things for other people whether I know them or not.
7. Finances
I’ve managed to track our money and use a budget for all of 2013. I’m going to keep that going in 2014 with an even greater emphasis on saving. We want to begin building our forever house in the next 3 years so my goal is to put away as much as possible. J and I are really lucky that we don’t have tons of debt so I’d like to make a huge dent in my student loans from my Master’s degree.
8. The Blog
2014 will be the year of a new blog design. I also want to comment more on the posts I read and let people know how much I enjoy what they have to say.
9. Fun fluff
The not too important stuff….Paint my nails once a week and remove polish right away when it’s chipped. I also need to get better about taking my makeup off and washing my face before bed. I’d love to beat level 300 on Candy Crush 🙂 And try new restaurants and dishes instead of playing it safe and ordering the same thing time after time.

And that’s it! I saw this and thought it summed up everything pretty well.

Do you set resolutions? If so, what are they?


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