
Christmas Eve and Day 2011

I figured I better get on posting about our Christmas before it’s 2012. Are you all sick of reading Christmas posts? If not, read on:)
Christmas Eve was spent with J’s family. First we went to his parents for lunch and then his whole family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.) met at his aunt’s house who graciously hosts Christmas Eve dinner every year. This is one of my favorite things his family does. I love everyone being together.
Christmas Eve night…
The little elves who helped pass out all the presents. I wish I would have taken a picture of all the gifts before hand. The pool table was covered. Have I mentioned how blessed we are? We don’t forget it for one second.
Ben was surrounded by presents and passed out cold before we even made it to the highway.
When we got home I set out the cookies for Santa and we all went to bed awaiting the big man’s arrival.
Christmas morning. Of course it’s the one morning where Ben sleeps in past 8:00. Still half asleep but ready to open presents.
Santa ate all his cookies, drank his milk, and left a letter.
Christmas morning is our time as a little family of 3. We ate breakfast, opened presents, and played with all our new toys before we headed over to my parent’s house.
Helping me unwrap his gift to me. Held together by 1/2 a roll of tape.
Ben looked at J with confusion. When J wrapped my presents he told Ben he got me rocks because he tends to be unable to keep a secret. You can imagine his surprise when I didn’t actually get rocks.
On to my parents house.
We couldn’t let J just relax and open presents. My mom put him to work taking down her old lights outside and replacing them with the new ones we got her for Christmas.

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