
Christmas Recap 2013 {Part 2}

Christmas morning it was just our little family of 3 and the last one before baby #2 arrives. I can’t believe next Christmas we’ll have a 6 month old.
Santa came and left Ben a note telling him how proud he was for all the good things he did this year. He also drank the milk and ate all the cookies we left out for him.
This is one of my favorite pictures from Christmas. Ben was sooo excited to find out what was under that sheet. 
A new 4 wheeler! Although GiGi got him a motorcycle, we wanted to get him a big 4 wheeler to replace his little jeep that he got on his very first Christmas.
Christmas 2009. Could you not just eat him up?!
Daddy and Ben took the 4 wheeler for a spin. Ben wanted to ride his motorcycle so J decided to make sure the big 4 wheeler was safe 🙂
Daddy’s new present. 
Each Christmas keeps getting better and I can’t wait for next year. One more Christmas recap to come!

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