

This week has been crazy and I have a feeling from now until Christmas it will probably be the same. Most of the busyness was self induced when I decided to volunteer to be in charge of the work Christmas party. Luckily it had to be at work, during the day, which made it a lot easier to plan. Being my overachieving, perfectionist self not only did I plan lunch, I thought it would be a great idea to plan something for staff everyday of the week.
Even though it was a lot of work and preparation, I’m so glad I did it and I think everyone had a lot of fun. Of course I didn’t snap any pictures during the actual potluck but did I did manage to get these sweet pics of my co-worker Anna sporting her white elephant gift-which she traded for btw.

We also had a cookie exchange with great cookies and recipes.

The timing for the cookie exchange worked out perfectly with the fact that I had also signed up to bring 3 dozen cookies to our church for a musical program they were having. Luckily the cookies I made were pretty easy because 5 dozen is A LOT of cookies.
For the recipe click here.
And as if I wasn’t busy enough baking cookies, I also made Ben’s teachers a little holiday goody. 
White Chocolate Peppermint Bark. The recipe was so easy and can be found on Nestle’s website.  Create Comforts had these adorable reindeer tags. 
Tonight J and I are going out for our annual holiday dinner with my parents. Before J, my family used to go to church and then out to a nice dinner on Christmas Eve. Since J’s extended family does their Christmas on Christmas Eve, the last several years we’ve had to do dinner with my parent’s on another night. It’s funny how family traditions change once you settle down and have a family. It’s also neat that J and I are creating our own family traditions with Ben and I’m sure one day they will change when Ben has his own family.
Tomorrow night my co-worker Megan is having a Christmas party at her house and celebrating the fact that she just finished her 2nd Master’s degree. I also found out that she will be changing jobs:( Although I will miss her, I know she’s ready for a change and will do great in her new position. 
What are y’alls plans for the weekend?


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