• Life


    Yesterday was our final day of being snowed in. Our street was plowed and after I dug a path at the end of our driveway we are officially free! I also have to give a huge shout out to our neighbor who helped me navigate up our street! I think the final number was around 19 inches of snow. And it’s supposed to snow again on Sunday. I didn’t capture many pictures of the snow, but here are a few. With temperatures and wind chill below 0, we didn’t even get to take Ben out to play in it. It’s amazing how many things on my long to-do list didn’t…

  • Kids

    A Yo Gaba Gaba Birthday

    After all the planning and preparation, Ben’s birthday party was a success. Everyone seemed to have fun and most importantly the birthday boy had a blast. With Ben’s obsession with Yo Gaba Gaba, I knew that we had no choice but to have a character themed birthday this year. Wide awake and ready to celebrate. Enjoying a special heart shaped breakfast. After breakfast we spent the morning playing, picking up cake, and finishing up last minute details for the party. Then it was time for a nap and when Ben woke up, the party began. All the delicious food. It’s always pretty stressful at the last minute finishing up all…

  • Life

    The Snow, it’s a Coming

    It’s official guys, our governor has declared Missouri in a state of emergency. The snow hasn’t even hit yet (although we did get a nice little ice shower this morning) and the University has cancelled classes (this never happens) and all non-critical clinics which means I get a snow day! You know the little scroll that goes across the top of the t.v. with all the closings listed? It should just say the name of our town and cancelled. It would be so much more efficient that way. We’re expected to get between 16-20 inches of snow. I can’t even comprehend that.  I plan on using my snow day to…

  • Kids

    Happy Birthday Ben!

    Two years ago today J and I welcomed the most beautiful baby boy into the world. He has changed our lives more than we could have ever imagined and we are so thankful that he’s part of our family. Happy Birthday Ben. We love you!!! Born 1/29/09 at 11:49 pm. 6lbs. 7oz  21 oz long

  • Health & Fitness

    Gym Antics

    Today was the second morning in a row that I have gone to the gym at 5:30 in the morning. Although I hate getting up that early and I’m extremely tired I feel so much better once it’s over. I’m the kind of person that if I put it off until the end of the day I just won’t go. By the time I get home from work, make dinner, and play with little man, I’m pooped and just want to relax. Another great thing about going to the gym early in the morning? Seeing all the schinanagins that go on so early like… -the guy lifting 50lb weights while…