
Jack’s Birth Story

He’s here! Actually he’s been here for almost a month now:)
Jack was born at 8:01a.m. and weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He was much bigger than his brother who was just 6 lbs 12 oz. And although Jack weighed almost 2 pounds more, I definitely think you can tell they are brothers, especially in the nose and eyes.
Jack’s birth was the complete opposite of Ben’s. I was induced with both boys, but unlike with Ben, I did not have to go through 17+ hours of labor only to have a C-section at the end.
From weeks 37-40 I was dilated to 2 cm and 50% effaced. Since I had had a previous C-section I wanted to try a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and my doctor was open to it as long as I was at least 3 cm dilated when I came in the morning of my induction. The Tuesday before my due date I hadn’t dilated past 2cm and the decision was made to induce me that Friday (if I was 3cm then) or do the C-Section if I hadn’t progressed. 
We headed to the hospital at 5:00am on the morning of June 21st and when we arrived my IV was started while we waited for me to be checked. The best part was my sister, who is a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital, was just finishing up her shift so she got to be with us and be in the operating room.
My poor, swollen, fat face.
After getting checked,  I was still at 2 cm. so I was prepped for a C-Section. At this point I had come to terms that it would most likely happen and I was just ready to meet our little boy. After he was born and finding out he was almost 9 lbs. I was glad I didn’t have to push him out 🙂
The best part about the C-section this time around was that I wasn’t separated from the baby. When I had Ben, he went to the nursery with J while I went to a recovery room. This time, both J and the baby stayed with me the entire time, even in recovery, and I got to do skin-skin as soon as he came out.  Jack never left my side except once for 30 minutes in order to get shots. They weighed and measured him right in the room and J got to give him his first bath. Breastfeeding also started out much better this time and within seconds of skin to skin Jack was ready to eat.
We had lots of visitors during our stay, but the best was when Ben finally got to meet his little brother! My heart can’t even handle it. 
After 2 days in the hospital the baby and I were both doing well and were given the option to go home. It was so nice to go home, take a shower, and get settled. 
Stay tuned for a post on how our life has changed and all the fun things we have been up to!

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