• Kids

    Someone’s Finally Sleeping

    In his crib.  After 3 months of sleeping in the swing, I finally moved Jack to his crib this weekend. And it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Now before you get all safety police, he was perfectly safe in the swing. Our swing is very deep and has the option to rock side to side which is what we used. He wasn’t going anywhere and it allowed all of us to get some sleep these past couple of months.  The next thing we’re going to tackle is weaning the swaddle. I think it’s past time since this is what I’m waking up to. I wrap…

  • Kids

    Jack’s Birth Story

    He’s here! Actually he’s been here for almost a month now:) Jack was born at 8:01a.m. and weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He was much bigger than his brother who was just 6 lbs 12 oz. And although Jack weighed almost 2 pounds more, I definitely think you can tell they are brothers, especially in the nose and eyes. Jack’s birth was the complete opposite of Ben’s. I was induced with both boys, but unlike with Ben, I did not have to go through 17+ hours of labor only to have a C-section at the end. From weeks 37-40 I was dilated to…