Goals & Resolutions

A New Year {2016}

Man I love the start of a new year and all that comes with it. 365 days ahead to do, be, and live better than ever before. No year will be perfect, but it’s my hope that 2016 will be just as great if not better than the past.

Some years I make broad resolutions and others more specific. Last year I was a little too ambitious and to be honest no one likes not meeting their goals. This year I’m still making resolutions, but I’m taking inspiration from Elise and choosing a word that I want to represent this upcoming year and that word is…


We can all use a little more Joy in our lives and I hope to find and appreciate it in all things big and small.

And now the specific resolutions:

1. Continue to try new recipes and branch out in the kitchen.
2. Travel, travel, and more travel. Whether it’s close by or far away. See something new.
3. Grow this blog.
4. Create a better nighttime and morning routine with both the kids and myself. We’ve gotten way too relaxed with these and lack of order and organization tends to create more stressful bedtimes and mornings.
5. Continue paying down our debt. I paid off one student loan completely this past year and I’m coming for the rest of them.
6. 12 acts of kindness for strangers. I’ve got some great, simple ideas from Pinterest so there really is no excuse. And man it feels good to give.
7.  Have family game night once a week.
8. Go an entire month without repeating a single outfit. And for heaven’s sake-get a new full length mirror.
9. Do thoughtful, unexpected things for the husband.
10. Workout 4 times a week and no soda for an entire month. Much more doable than an entire year.
11. Strive to be the best mom I can be. Better not perfect.
12. Pray more, ask for less. Have time with the Word daily.
13. Finish decorating the house.
14. Figure out a better allowance system for Ben.
15. More cooking at home, less eating out.

So, what are your resolutions for the upcoming year?

Happy Happy New Year and all it’s possibilities!

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