
10 in 10 Challenge

I saw this great idea for a challenge over at The Shabby Chic Cottage and decided it might be the perfect little push of motivation I need to do some things around the house that I have been meaning to do forever. You would think I would have accomplished all of these before I began my new job, but no. I had much more important things to do like catching up on reality tv, watching movies, reading a few books, and laying around. I did manage to do some projects around the house that I had been wanting to get done like re-decorating the guest bathroom and master bathroom and sprucing up Ben’s room. But, there is still much more to be done so on to the list….
1. Organize master bedroom closet and arrange clothes by color.
2. Make a beautiful topiary to sit in the front of our house. I’m following this awesome and easy idea that Natalie posted about over at Team Imhoff.(I think I might need to do this one first since it is already August)
3. Create a “Fish Family Map” inspired by Stephanie over here. What a neat idea!
4. Scan and print our family photos from Ben’s 1yr photo shoot. I realize he is now 18 months-don’t judge. Remember I’ve been busy doing a whole lot a nothin.
5. Put said pictures in frames and create a photo wall for the living room.
6. Make this key holder so that J and I don’t have to constantly ask each other, have you seen my keys?
7. I also want to make this organizer for all of my bags and wrapping materials. Notice a pattern yet? I LOVE the ideas from the blog, It’s the Little Things That Make a House a Home. She is so creative!
8. Create my wish list for Santa. It’s never to early to start right? 
9. Complete Ben’s playroom with new art and organization. I think this one will be the toughest to tackle and I have a feeling might take 10 days just by itself.
10. Finish reading Eat, Pray, Love. My friend’s Megan and Anna have read it and we’re going to see the movie when it comes out, but for some reason I just can’t get into this book. It might or might not have something to do with the fact that I would rather watch Rachel Zoe or Teen Mom than read.  
Wheew. I’m exhausted already just looking at my list of 10 things. I plan on posting pictures of each of the finished projects as I do them. Hopefully the next 10 days will be full of motivation and inspiration! 

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