Weekend Recap

No Excuses

Wouldn’t it be great if the reason I’ve been away from blogging for so long is because I got all of my 10 Things in 10 days completed?!? Well it would be great, but it would also be a big.fat.lie. Out of the 10 things I’ve completed 1. One. Uno. That’s it. 
Another reason for my lack of blogging is that between work and the heat, by the time I get home, make dinner and spend time as a family, blogging is the last thing I want to do. It’s been 100 degrees here lately and miserable. Despite the heat, last weekend Ben and I went with my mom to the Farmer’s Market where I got some amazing peaches and tomatoes and Ben got a cookie. Go figure.
I also realized that a chocolate chip cookie on a 100 degree day equals sticky little fingers so not my brightest move. After the farmers market we went back to my mom’s house where Ben met a new “friend,” and didn’t understand why it didn’t want to play ball.
We also went over to J’s grandparent’s house where I got to see old videos of J and his brother when they were babies. It’s crazy how much Ben looks like J when he was little. I love getting to spend time with J’s grandparents and I love that Ben is getting to spend time with his great grandparents. I think there are 10 great grandkids now and 2 on the way.
Hopefully my next post will be all about my completed projects! 

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