Due to massive amounts of snow in Branson, our plans for a holiday weekend getaway were changed at the last minute. And literally the last minute as we were already on the road. Although we got hardly any snow in the central part of the state, the Ozarks ended up getting 12 inches so we made the right decision even though we were disappointed. With the car already packed, Memaw, Pampaw, and my sister’s entire family in tow, we decided to head to snowless Kansas City instead.
Although Ben wasn’t as thrilled about KC as he was Branson, we made the best of it and had a good time despite the freezing temps.
Jack was laid back as usual and did a lot of just looking around and napping.

Friday night we drove around the plaza to look at lights and find a parking space. We ate at Chuy’s, which just opened up and I had one of the best margaritas of my life. If you have a Chuy’s near you you have to try the white peach sangria margarita. I will be finding a copy cat recipe and re-creating it.
Remember this post where I told you how obsessed I was with the Fair Isle print? Well I picked up these mittens for Ben and was this close to getting a matching pair for me.
Saturday we headed over to Crown Center to check out Kaleidoscope which is a huge art center for kids where they use the leftover materials from the Hallmark factory next door. We’ve taken Ben to Crown Center several times, but have never been before. There were all kinds of materials including a glow in the dark room with wax for the kids to paint with. Although you have to get tickets ahead of time, the entire thing is free!
While waiting to get into Kalidescope, we went next door to the Hallmark Visitors Center where Ben got to see how bows are made with this machine.
One of the coolest things they had at Kaleidoscope was a puzzle machine. Ben drew a picture on this cardboard square and then they put it through the machine which cut it into a puzzle!
We ended up getting home late Saturday evening and both boys slept in until after 8 on Sunday! Although this wasn’t the trip we had planned, we still had fun and it was a great lesson in flexibility!