Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Our weekend was jammed packed and filled with lots of time with family and friends which makes for the best kind of weekend.
Saturday morning my sister and I hit up a neighborhood garage sale. I found some great things but my favorite was a yellow ceramic pot that I got for $1! Later in the morning the boys and I headed to an autism awareness walk.
After naps and a trip to the grocery store, it was time for The Glow Run. This was Ben’s first race and he was so excited. We ended up walking the 3.1 miles since most of us in our group had little kids and strollers. Ben managed to walk the entire thing with only the occasional piggy back ride. Jack was a trooper and slept through most of it.
Ben loved the medal he got and talked about it the whole way home. He was so tired from such a full day that when we got home he went straight to his room and feel asleep. I wasn’t far behind him.
We celebrated my dad’s birthday on Sunday and I packed for my week long work trip aka prepare as much in advance for the husband so the kids eat something besides Cheetos for dinner all week.
Hope you’re having a great start to the week!

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