Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Sorry for the silence this week. I was out of town for my work’s annual conference which kept me busy busy. This weekend was one of those really good weekends. My husband and I both looked at the clock on Saturday night and couldn’t believe the day had gone by so fast and Sunday wasn’t any different. After being out of town most of last week I was glad we didn’t have anything on the calendar and could spend time together at home.
Hotel life. 
Between food & snacks during the conference and dinners out, we ate a lot (and really well).
My colleague Brooke who definitely makes work trips lots of fun.
By the last night I was really missing the boys. As much as I’m an extrovert and people person, I was over peopling by the end of the conference. Especially when you’re around people all day from 7am-10pm. The kids didn’t miss me too much however since daddy took them to get a new toy and Taco Bell. I came home to two nerf guns, several Paw Patrol cars, and kids who may not have eaten a vegetable since I left. 
I got home Friday night and we all had a pretty early bedtime. Saturday morning I tried out Walmart’s new grocery service. I usually use our local grocery store which delivers to your house, but I wanted to give Walmart’s new online service a try. It works the same way in that you order online, but instead of delivery, you drive to the store, park in the designated spot, and then call the number and someone brings your groceries out to you and will load them in your car. I also got a little goodie bag since it was my first order. If you’re interested in trying this program out you can use this code to save $10 off your order.
The rest of the day was spent doing a few things around the house and playing outside. Once we came inside the kids crashed on the couch and watched/slept through Zootopia while I got my craft on.
I made this DIY Faux Pumpkin & Succulents. Something about fall puts me in the mood to make all the things.
Sunday was filled with more time outside, a few competitive games of Sorry, and a trip to a local ice cream shop. We went to J’s aunt’s house for dinner and made it home right at bedtime.
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.

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