Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Let’s start off with the best news ever…Jack’s biopsy came back normal! Praise the Lord. Seriously. While we were waiting in radiology there was a young girl hooked up to an IV and she was missing most of her hair. That’ll make you feel real grateful real fast.
This weekend we hung out at home and recovered from the stressful week. Jack was pretty pooped Friday night, but I didn’t mind the extra snuggles one bit.
This weekend I also had my first red cup of the season.
After dragging the popcorn out of the pantry several times, I finally caved and let Jack eat popcorn at 10:00 on a Sunday morning. Ben was so sweet and grabbed his stool so Jack could watch it pop. It’s these moments that I try to remember when they are running around the house fighting like crazy people over a toy.
Sunday afternoon we went to our niece’s Frozen themed birthday party. That sparkly blur is the best picture I could get of the birthday princess. 
Here’s to a productive Monday!!!
Linking up with Biana & Leeann


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