Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

I’m going to start this post with the two cliches I’m sure every blogger is probably writing at the beginning of their posts today…this weekend went by way too fast and I can’t believe Christmas is on Thursday. 
Before I recap our weekend, was anyone else underwhelmed by the Homeland season finale last night or was it just me?
This was technically on Thursday, but we got our first real snow of the season. It was only about 2 inches, but there were so many accidents and people sliding off roads. The road in front of our house and Jack’s daycare was temporarily closed due to accidents blocking the roadway. For as much chaos as it caused, it sure is pretty.
Friday afternoon Ben had his holiday party at school. The kids got to wear their pajamas that day and they decorated cookies, made ornaments, played bingo, and sang Rudolph at the end for all the parents.
My friend and stylist Melissa covered up my grays and gave me a nice little trim. Man it feels so good to get your hair done. 
The perfect running errands outfit. I bought this vest last year and wasn’t sure if I’d keep it, but I’m so glad I did.
This was my cart after said errand running. I got everything I needed to make my Christmas recipes, as well as the last bit of Christmas gifts as well as our weekly grocery haul. If you don’t have the Target red card and Cartwheel app you are probably spending more than you should be. 
I have a slight obsession with cozy socks and I LOVE this pair from Bath & Body Works that I’ve had forever.
J and I were able to sneak away to see Mockingjay Part 1. Based on people’s reviews I expected this movie to be pretty slow, but it had a lot of action and Julianne Moore nailed the role as President of District 13. And yes, the ticket girl gave us the student price. Must be our young looks 🙂
Saturday night we watched my friend Abby’s little boy. Mason and Jack are so cute together and they kept giving each other hugs and falling over at the same time.
Sunday afternoon I took the boys to see Santa and then to my sister’s house to decorate cookies.
Jack provided us with the always hilarious crying baby photo.
Happy Monday friends!
Linking up with Biana & Leeann


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