Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

On Friday night Jack’s preschool performed the Nutcracker for their Christmas program. Jack’s class were all snowflakes and he was so cute! I didn’t get any good pictures due to the lighting in the theater, but we managed to take some great video. The following morning both boys were up early and insisted on sitting in my lap when they woke up. Despite not being able to breathe, I love the morning snuggles.
 Ben made “cars” out of some diaper boxes we had lying around and J tied them together with a rope for a fun sleigh ride around the living room.
We managed to have a successful trip to Target thanks to these orange push pops which are sold in the cafe by the entrance.
Jack is so obsessed with our Elf on the Shelf that we ended up buying him a stuffed one hoping that he would put the real elf back on shelf. Well it totally backfired and now he insists on carrying both elves around. He even took them outside while we enjoyed the almost 70 degree weather on Sunday. Ben insisted on riding his bike even though it is way too small for him now. Thank goodness his birthday is next month and he’ll be getting a new one.
I wrapped up the weekend with a Christmas craft which I’ll post about tomorrow so make sure to check back then!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Linking up with Biana & Leeann


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