Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was perfectly unplanned. The only things on our schedule were an autism walk and baseball practice for Sunday but both got canceled due to the rain.
Friday night we attempted to watch Frozen…again. Our Apple TV refused to cooperate but thank goodness two minute YouTube clips on repeat were enough to quiet Jack’s incessant “Ola, Ola.”
It got into the upper 80’s and I officially broke out the shorts and blinded everyone who saw my legs. They’re not going to get tan by being stuck in jeans all day so better start somewhere.
After too much YouTube and a less than delicious Dominos pizza for dinner, Ben and I made a run to Smoothie King for a late night treat. 
On Saturday we spent as much time outside as possible before the storm rolled in.
Once the boys went to bed J and I rented Wild with Reese Witherspoon. I had a general idea of what the movie was about but the actual storyline itself was not what I was expecting. Have any of you all seen it? What did you think?
Sunday morning came way too early. I forced Jack to snuggle with me on the couch which really meant I forced him to lay with me until he broke free.
Once Jack was over snuggling and I was forced to actually get up, I made two new recipes. Raspberry Cake Squares and Creamy Chicken and Rice Soup. Recipes coming to the blog soon.
Sunday afternoon consisted of cheese dip for the boys and a margarita for the momma.
I popped into Old Navy to grab a few new things for Spring but was too busy keeping the kids from destroying the dressing room while I had one leg stuck in a pant.
I hope you had a fabulous weekend!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.


  • Brianne

    I love that quote so much! A margarita sounds amazing right now…too bad it's 8:30 am on a Monday. The picture of the boys with their popcorn is so adorable. I still haven't read or seen Wild. Did you like it?

    • admin

      I wish it were acceptable to have a margarita on a Monday morning. Maybe people wouldn't hate Mondays so much then.

      Wild was just ok. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Have you seen the Secret Life of Walter Mitty? I liked that one a lot better.

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