Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap {In Numbers}

 4. Times I tried to photograph this gorgeous green dress from GAP throughout the day and forget hence the horrible car selfie at the stoplight on the way home from work. Ignore the frizzy hair…for the rest of the Summer.
7. Shots in this frozen drink. J and I needed this after lots of home improvement projects.
3325. Paint Number for Sherwin Williams Blue Mountaintop. I painted this in Ben’s room and I love the way it turned out. This color is the perfect blue-grey aka “bleige.” Let’s make that word a thing.
1. Mircowave that didn’t get installed despite lots of work from the husband due to having the wrong microwave trim. Why do stores continue to sell things they know won’t work? I’ve got a full microwave post coming soon…I know you’re waiting on pins and needles.
6. Mini Loft House Cookies my husband ate between the time I went to bed and woke up the next morning. Apparently he had a cookie attack.

3. Rides on the carousel at the mall. The first one being Jack’s first time. Even with all the choices of different animals, he decided on the bench. And insisted on holding my hand:)

1,000,000. Times infinity. How much I love these two. Jack insists on holding brother’s hand and I could die with the cuteness.
Linking up with Biana for Weekending!


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