Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was the perfect mix of laziness and productivity.
Friday night J had a work meeting that turned into happy hour so what’s Ben and I to do? We went for a little ice cream date to our favorite fro-yo place and soaked up the 50 degree weather while we could.
Saturday I went to a spinning class at the gym and then we met up with Mrs. Bojangles for lunch. I forgot to snap a pic since I was trying to wrangle a tired, queso chugging monster.
Saturday afternoon J’s mom picked up Ben for some quality bonding time and while J worked, I went to a delicious sushi dinner with this little lady and our other friend Laura.
After dinner J so lovingly agreed to see this movie with me. It was a solid C.
Sunday was spent lounging around until we finally decided to get off our butts and clean the house. Every time we clean the house J proudly proclaims at least 5 times, “I love a clean house.” I proclaim, “We’ll help me keep it that way,” said with a smile, of course.
Tonight I’m going to make my first pie. Ever. Iowa Girl Eats Peanut Butter Pie to be exact. Wish me luck.

One Comment

  • Molly D

    Yummm that pie looks delish. I miss you guys! A weekend or night in Columbia is looking like a must in February…when are you and B free and who wants to host me!?! just kidding, Brooke better open her spare bedroom up.

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