Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

The fact that I’m posting about our weekend on a Wednesday is a pretty good indication of how our week is going.
On Friday we had our second snow of the season. We got about 3 inches and by noon the roads weren’t terribly bad so I was able to get out and run errands. I love the view from our backyard when it snows.
 I got all of our Christmas cards addressed and put in the mail and I’ll post our card once everyone gets theirs. Sometimes I feel like I’m so on top of things, like getting holiday themed stamps, but that’s about it. 
I also painted my nails with this color from GAP and I think it’s the perfect shade of holiday red. This color came in a set of 3 and doesn’t have a name 🙁
I had high hopes of getting all of my Christmas shopping done on Saturday but  I still have a few final things. I did get most things which is pretty good considering I had both boys with me. I had one small moment while standing in Target where I looked around at all the craziness and I felt sad that so much of Christmas is focused on the things. 
I also whipped up a batch of these blueberry muffin tops. If the soft fluffy top is your favorite part of a muffin then these are for you! I’ll post the recipe tomorrow.
Ben being his usual goofy self.
And Jack demanding we take a selfie. 
We ended the weekend with a nice dinner on Sundaywith my parents and sister’s family. My friend Alissa came over and watched the boys and it’s so nice to have friends who love your kids as if they were their own.
Happy Hump Day! 


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