5 on Friday

5 on Friday

I love this coat by Michael Kors and it’s on sale right now at Nordstrom. I wish they had it in the puffier version because it doesn’t look like it would be very warm in the 0 degree weather we’ve been having.
Jack began rolling over from his front to back right before he was 3 months old and he officially mastered rolling back to front on Thanksgiving day.  Ever since then anytime we lay him down on his back he flips right on over then gets mad and cries. He started sleeping on his side in his crib and is now doing this fun little game where he rolls on his tummy, his paci falls out, and then he screams bloody murder.  J had the idea to lay him horizontal in the crib instead of vertical and for some odd reason it worked. I hate it when’s he’s right.
You guys. My obsession with this print is out.of.control. I spotted these bags at Target and may have bought several.
And I found these slippers from Urban Outfitters but of course they’re sold out.
Last night my friend Alissa and I went to a holiday party for our work through the Chamber of Commerce. We met a lot of great people from various businesses in our community and got to wear sparkles while we networked. 
Ben is at such a fun age. He’s constantly asking questions, wanting to do whatever we do, but man he also can have quite a little attitude. Despite being four going on fourteen, he is the best big brother. He loves Jack SO much and is always kissing him, lying next to him, talking to him, etc. He has yet to ever get mad or upset with Jack and I just love watching him make Jack laugh and laugh.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I’m planning on getting almost all my Christmas shopping done if I can get out of the house. It’s currently snowing and we’re supposed to get 2-4 inches when it’s all done. Is it too early to wish Winter was over?

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