Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Even with an extra hour, this was one of those weekends I just didn’t want to end. We had a great Halloween which started off with Jack’s school party Friday afternoon. Ben’s school didn’t have fall parties this year and instead they did a “fun with reading day” all day. Yeaaahhh. He did get to dress up as Captain America though so that’s that.
I’ve been on the hunt for a fall wreath for forever. I’ve gone back and forth between making one and buying one and then didn’t do either until this weekend when I picked up this wreath from Marshalls. I lucked into it and it had been marked down literally a few minutes before I saw it. Ready for how much it cost?!?…$10!! Totally worth the wait.
I also took this plaid shirt home with me mostly for the fact that it feels like pajamas.
A new bakery opened up in town and I tried my first macaroon (I know I’m late to the game) while J had the German chocolate cake.
Friday night J and I used a gift certificate we had and grabbed dinner and then saw Steve Jobs. Kate Winslet’s performance was fantastic and I still think Jobs was an ahole.
Saturday I whipped up these Pinterest inspired rice crispy treats before heading to my MIL’s house for dinner and trick or treating.
Here’s just a few picks from that night, but I’ll do a full post tomorrow. 
Sunday was spent thinking it was later than it actually was and getting all the costumes and candy put away. Between grandparents, great grandparents, and J’s aunt, the boys brought home so many buckets and bags filled to the brim.
I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and I can’t wait to see how everyone spent their weekend! 
Linking up with Bianna for Weekending.


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