Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Anyone else asking themselves this same question? I know time always seems to fly but man, this Summer went by in the blink of an eye. Ben starts 2nd grade a week from tomorrow so we are making the most of what’s left of August and trying to get back into somewhat of a routine.
The weekend started with Friday night happy hour with coworkers and me fast asleep by 9:30pm.
I continued my obsession with Starbuck’s Strawberry Acai Refresher Saturday morning before hitting up my first estate sale. Has anyone else been to one of these? You basically walk through someone’s home and everything is for sale. Everything. The house itself was for sale for almost $500,000 yet people were buying .50 cent half used bottles of household cleaners and open spices which was a little odd but to each their own!
The weather this weekend was gorgeous and in the low 80’s. After being on the hunt for the perfect t-shirt for what seems like forever, I finally find these v-neck ones at Target. So soft and the perfect length.
Saturday lunch where I managed to snag this picture with Ben and Jack managed to take 153 pictures of body parts and our table.
We braved the mall to do some back to school shopping and despite it being tax free weekend, the lines weren’t that bad. 
I posted this picture on my Instagram but I had literally just sat down to enjoy this when the kids came running down the hallway. How do they know? In all honesty, despite looking delicious, it actually tasted horrible. 
The kids slept in until 8:30 Sunday morning which meant momma got to sleep in too! But the quiet didn’t last long.
That afternoon the kids and I headed to The Big Tree, which is the largest Bur Oak tree in the United States as well as the largest tree in MO. The boys didn’t share my enthusiasm about how cool it was.

Lunch was followed by the library where we got to pick out some free books for completing the Summer Reading Program. Anyone else’s kids want to play on the computer and with the pretend kitchen instead of actually reading?
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending. 


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