• Holidays

    St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

    Our St. Patrick’s Day weekend was the perfect mix of getting things done and relaxation. This is one of the first weekends in a while that didn’t seem to fly by. On Friday Ben had a party at school. We switched pre-schools last Summer and it was the best decision we could have ever made. He loves it, the school always does fun activities, they have class parties for every “holiday” and almost all the parents come to them.  His St. Patty’s outfit, complete with socks and all. I made these mini shamrock brownie bites to bring to the party. That night our town turned on one their big outside…

  • DIY

    DIY Pepper Shamrock Stamp

    Happy St. Patty’s day friends. Hope you all are enjoying the weekend and wearing your green. If you’re looking for a last minute craft then this for you. This was my inspiration for this little craft. What You Need: -Knife -Green Pepper -Green acrylic paint -Paintbrush -Paper  What To Do: 1. When picking your pepper, start with one that has a shamrock looking base. 2. Cut off the bottom of the pepper. 3. Use a paintbrush to put the paint on the outline of the pepper. Try to hold off the impatient toddler. 4. Press the pepper on the paper. You may need to connect the lines a little and fill them…