• Life


    This week has been crazy and I have a feeling from now until Christmas it will probably be the same. Most of the busyness was self induced when I decided to volunteer to be in charge of the work Christmas party. Luckily it had to be at work, during the day, which made it a lot easier to plan. Being my overachieving, perfectionist self not only did I plan lunch, I thought it would be a great idea to plan something for staff everyday of the week. Even though it was a lot of work and preparation, I’m so glad I did it and I think everyone had a lot…

  • Life

    Random Thoughts

    A few random thoughts: I really need to get back into the groove of going to the gym, but this is how I feel… Did anybody else see this group on America’s Got Talent? Watch this now! I’m guessing they’ll win it. Fall has officially hit our house. I bought this. And ate the entire bag.

  • Weekend Recap

    This And That

    Going to bed instead of blogging won last night so I’m just now finishing this post up. We have a busy week/weekend ahead of us. Last weekend was pretty relaxing. Ben is getting another tooth and had a runny nose, cough, and little bit of a fever, which always seems to happen when he is teething. Poor thing. I can’t wait until all his teeth are in and I think he only has three left now. He started cutting teeth early which I’m pretty sure was because he knew the more teeth he had the more food he could eat:) On Sunday we went to church and Ben is not a fan…