• Holidays

    Christmas Recap 2013 {Part 1}

    Our first celebration of the season was the Friday before Christmas at J’s grandparent’s house. We spent time with family, opened gifts, and celebrated J’s uncle’s birthday. New clothes! Christmas Eve we headed to J’s aunt’s house to celebrate with his dad’s side of the family. It was our first Christmas since J’s grandpa passed away and we missed him a lot. Giving Gigi hugs for all the presents. He was most excited about his new motorcycle.  Once Ben saw his cousin’s 4-Wheeler being put together, he made dad assemble his.  I love this picture. 3 grown men and a 3 year old working on the Jeep. All ready to…

  • Life

    Downtown Holiday Parade

    A few weeks ago our town held it’s annual holiday parade. Unlike the Memorial Day parade, this one consisted of people throwing candy and it didn’t take long for Ben to catch one. Besides the candy, this parade was extra special since my sister, niece, and brother and in law were in it! Ben thought it was so cool that he knew someone in the parade. My sister and her family. I can’t believe Christmas is 2 days away! The anticipation is killing me!

  • Holidays

    A Visit With Santa

    Santa hasn’t always been Ben’s favorite person, but this year’s pictures with Santa are precious.  And since I’m nostalgic… 2011. The only way I could get him close to Santa was to have him sit on this stool. At least he wasn’t crying. 2010. I think every parent needs at least one crying Santa picture. 2009. First Christmas, still fascinated, and not old enough to be scared.

  • Holidays

    Christmas Eve and Day 2011

    I figured I better get on posting about our Christmas before it’s 2012. Are you all sick of reading Christmas posts? If not, read on:) Christmas Eve was spent with J’s family. First we went to his parents for lunch and then his whole family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.) met at his aunt’s house who graciously hosts Christmas Eve dinner every year. This is one of my favorite things his family does. I love everyone being together. Christmas Eve night… The little elves who helped pass out all the presents. I wish I would have taken a picture of all the gifts before hand. The pool table was covered.…