• Holidays

    A Visit with Mr. Clause

    The Santa at our mall has been looking a little skinny the past couple of years so this year we decided to take the boys to the Bass Pro Santa. Not only was this Santa awesome, but we went on a Sunday afternoon and there was no line. They also had a cute little reindeer craft for the kids to do and of course all the other fun games that Bass Pro has year round. I love the set up of Santa and his workshop.  Jack’s first visit to Santa. He was too young to be scared this year but I’m sure we’ll have some crying Santa pictures in the…

  • Life

    Blogger Christmas Swap Link Up

    When Kasey announced that she would be hosting a Christmas blog swap I immediately knew I wanted in. I was a lot little hesitant since I’d only done one other swap and it was a complete and total fail. It was a fall favorite things swap and I packed a box full of all my favorite fall items and shipped them off to my blog partner. It turns out the blogger didn’t even end up getting my gift because she had sent me the wrong address??? I also never received my box from her. When I emailed her about it she said she didn’t know what happened and somehow couldn’t find a…

  • Kids

    Sparkles the Elf

    Our Elf on the Shelf was a little late to the game this year. Thank goodness Santa knew just how impatient a certain 4 year old was getting and the Elf magically appeared last night while Ben was taking a bath.  Sparkles made his first visit to our house last year so this year Ben knew just what to expect from him. Last year Sparkle brought some Christmas pjs but the entire mall North Pole was out. So what’s an Elf to do? Bring a new Christmas tree topper of course!  He also left a little note with a not so subtle reminder to not touch which is hard when…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Recap 2013 {Part 3}

    After a slow Christmas morning at our house, we went over to my parent’s house for lunch. This year instead of a traditional Christmas meal we all brought a few of our favorite appetizers and desserts. It was torture for the kids to have to wait for everyone to finish eating so we could open presents. That evening we went over to J’s parent’s house for one last celebration.  Even though 5 different Christmas’ was a lot, we loved every single one of them. It’s so great to be with the ones you love during this time of year!

  • Holidays

    Christmas Recap 2013 {Part 2}

    Christmas morning it was just our little family of 3 and the last one before baby #2 arrives. I can’t believe next Christmas we’ll have a 6 month old. Santa came and left Ben a note telling him how proud he was for all the good things he did this year. He also drank the milk and ate all the cookies we left out for him. This is one of my favorite pictures from Christmas. Ben was sooo excited to find out what was under that sheet.  A new 4 wheeler! Although GiGi got him a motorcycle, we wanted to get him a big 4 wheeler to replace his little…