• Motherhood

    23 & 24 Week Bump Update

     23 Weeks Size of the baby: 11 inches long and weighing in at 1 pound! The size of a large mango. Total weight gain: Not sure. I’ll find out at the next doctor’s appointment. Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops Sleep: Pretty good. Some hip pain from laying on my side. Gender: It’s a boy! Movement: Lots and lots. J was able to feel the baby move for the first time this week. Food cravings/aversions: Nothing really this week. I tried to stay away from anything too spicy since my heartburn has been REALLY bad this week. What I miss: A margarita (or two) with friends. Moment of the week: J feeling the baby…

  • Motherhood

    22 Week Bump Update

    Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re celebrating with a party at Ben’s school and then family time tonight. Hopefully J and I can celebrate on our own this weekend. I feel like my belly really popped out this week, even compared to last week. Here’s Week 21 And Week 22 Size of the baby: 11 inches long and weighing in at 1 pound! Size of a spaghetti squash. Total weight gain: 13 lbs Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops Sleep: Sleeping through the night has gotten better, but I’m finding it hard to not lay flat on my back. I’ve been laying on the my left side and surrounding myself with pillows. Gender: It’s…

  • Motherhood

    19 Week Bump Update

    Size of the baby: 6 inches. Size of an heirloom tomato Total weight gain: 10 lbs Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops Sleep: The last two nights I’ve slept through the enitre night and it has been wonderful! I’ve noticed I’ve been going to bed a little earlier as well. Gender: It’s a boy. We will have our final ultrasound at 21 weeks on Feb 5th to double check the boy parts and make sure baby is healthy. Movement: I definitley feel movements daily now. I can’t wait until they are strong enough for J and Ben to feel on the outside of my belly.…

  • Motherhood

    18 Week Bump Update

    Size of the baby: 5 1/2 in. Size of an bell pepper                    Total weight gain: 10 lbs                  Maternity clothes: Pants, but mostly regular tops. Some maternity tops for length  Sleep: I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night for about hour before falling back asleep. I’ve also been having to pee a lot more. Gender: It’s a BOY!!! Movement: His movements are definitely getting stronger! Food cravings/aversions: Craving- salads and cheddar rice cakes; Aversions-bacon What I miss: An uninterrupted night’s sleep, Jimmy John’s sandwiches  Moment of the week: Getting to hear the…

  • Motherhood

    15 Week Bump Update

    I’m a week behind getting this posted, so I’m actually 16 weeks today! I hope to get a picture and the 16 week update on the blog tomorrow. Size of the baby: 4 inches. The size of an apple Total weight gain: Not sure. Our scale at home quit working, but I’ll know at my doctor’s apt next week. Maternity clothes: Pants, but mostly regular tops. Some maternity tops for the length. Sleep: Pretty good still. Gender: It’s a BOY!!! Movement: I felt a few flutters around the beginning of 14 weeks. Food cravings/aversions: Craving-fruit, salads with walnuts and Feta(although I can’t eat it) Aversions-nothing I can think of this week. What I…