DIY Gingerbread Man Playdough

    With the kids out of school and Christmas quickly approaching, I have one last DIY activity that’s perfect to make while waiting for Santa to visit. Not only is gingerbread man playdough easy to make, it smells heavenly as well! What You Need: -2 cups flour -1/2 cup salt -2 tbsp cream of tartar -1 tbsp cinnamon -1/2 tbsp ginger -2 tbsp vegetable oil – 1 to 1 1/4 cup water What To Do: 1. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.  2. Add the oil and 1 cup of water to the bowl and mix together. If the dough is too dry, add a tbsp of water at…

  • Kids

    No! Gingerbread Man

    Last week at Target I picked up a kit to make a gingerbread house. I’ve only attempted this once in the past and halfway through when the roof fell in for the fifth time I gave up. I was willing to give it another try and with J having an engineering degree and all I figured between the two of us we could figure it out. I told Ben that we were going to make a gingerbread house with little gingerbread men and put candy all over it to which he replied, “No gingerbread man, Ben’s candy.” Yes, he talks in the third person.  After convincing him that the gingerbread men…

  • Kids

    Parents As Teachers Carnival

    These last couple of days have been busy, busy, busy. Last night we took Ben to the Spring Carnival, an event put on by our local Parents as Teachers(PAT). For those of you that don’t know what PAT is, here is a little description from their website. Our Mission To provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life. Why Join As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher and your home is your child’s first classroom. Your baby begins learning at birth.  Brain growth and development happens more rapidly during the first five years of life…