
Honeymoon in Italy (The Pantheon)

Our last day in Rome we headed to the Pantheon. The Pantheon is one of the best preserved buildings in Rome.

The dome of the Pantheon. The circle is open to the outside and never covered. When it rains the rain comes in and drains through the drain holes in the ground. 
The drain holes in the floor. Everyone was looking at these and taking pictures. J and I had no idea what these were at the time so we took pictures in case they were something really important:)
A little Egyptian in the middle of Rome.
J and I ate lunch at a restaurant in the piazza right across from the Pantheon.
Lasagna for me, spaghetti for J.
After lunch we walked back to the hotel, rested, and got ready for dinner. We had planned on going to a really nice restaurant for our last night in Italy, but the thought of eating any more pasta was too much to handle. Instead we did what any good American would do and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe:)
I’m sure some of you are dying at the thought, but it was perfect and laid back, and we still laugh about it to this day. I think we waited almost 2 hours that night but after almost 14 meals of Italian food and pasta we needed something different. 
J and I both agree that besides Ben’s birth, this time was the best time of our lives. There is nothing better than spending time in a beautiful country with the person you love.
In case you missed the other recaps:

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