• Travel

    Honeymoon in Italy (The Pantheon)

    Our last day in Rome we headed to the Pantheon. The Pantheon is one of the best preserved buildings in Rome. The dome of the Pantheon. The circle is open to the outside and never covered. When it rains the rain comes in and drains through the drain holes in the ground.  The drain holes in the floor. Everyone was looking at these and taking pictures. J and I had no idea what these were at the time so we took pictures in case they were something really important:) A little Egyptian in the middle of Rome. J and I ate lunch at a restaurant in the piazza right across…

  • Travel

    Honeymoon in Italy (The Spanish Steps & Venice)

    After a full day of sightseeing at the Vatican we wanted a day to sleep in, relax, and not have anything we had to see. I picked up these pastries for breakfast from a place near our hotel. I don’t think we even left our hotel until 3:00pm this day. We walked around, picked up a few gifts for people, and then decided to head towards the Spanish Steps. We got there right as the sun was setting and it was beautiful. Our first night in Rome when we got lost walking around, we actually walked down the stairs not even realizing it was The Spanish Steps. The next morning…

  • Travel

    Honeymoon in Italy (Vatican City)

    Did you know the Vatican is it’s own city? It’s also the smallest independent state in the world by both area and population. I want my own city/state. The outside of the Vatican was exactly how I pictured it from what I’ve seen in pictures and movies. Beautiful and enormous. People were really great about asking us if we wanted our picture taken together. We also offered to take other people’s pictures as well. We did the whole, I’ll take yours if you take mine thing. These chairs were still out from the day before. On Wednesdays, the general public can get tickets and listen to an address given by…

  • Travel

    Honeymoon in Italy (Day 3 in Florence)

    When we first booked our honeymoon the plan was to fly into Rome and then immediately hop on the train and stay in Florence for 4 days, then come back to Rome for the remaining time. A few months before the wedding the thought of having to change hotels halfway through our honeymoon seemed less than appealing so we decided to stay in Rome the entire time and take day trips to neighboring cities. I am so glad we decided to do this and it ended up working out great. We headed to Florence on our 3rd day. The train station or “termini” was a short 10 minute cab ride…

  • Travel

    Honeymoon in Italy {Day 2 in Rome}

    After having a little bit of trouble falling asleep our first night, J and I slept in the second day and ate breakfast in our hotel. That’s one of the things I love most about vacations. You can do whatever you please whenever you want. Most days we didn’t eat lunch until 2 or 3pm and dinner around 9pm. After breakfast we hopped in a taxi to the Colosseum. Where we feared for our lives the entire car ride. The taxi drivers in Rome were some of the worst drivers I have ever seen. I don’t mean they’re bad as in New York city bad where drivers go really fast…