Although Summer doesn’t officially start until June 21st, we had our unofficial Summer kick off on Saturday with the first swim of the season and Jack’s first swim ever. Jack seems to be joining his brother’s love for water. Hopefully it’s a good indication that he’ll love the beach just as much when we go in a couple of weeks!
5 on Friday
Let’s get right to it. One. Chicago was a lot of fun and I could totally live there. The weather was beautiful the entire weekend which made the patio sitting and day drinking even more wonderful. Full recap to come next week. Two. This building was across the street from where we ate lunch one day. We tried to figure out what the building was and finally ended up asking our waiter. We were shocked by his answer. I’d love to know what you think it is? I’ll give you the answer in next week’s 5 on Friday. Three. Jack’s birthday is less than a month away and I have…
5 on Friday
Happy Friday! I am so ready and excited for this weekend! Not only is it a 3 day weekend, but as you’re reading this I’m off to Chicago for my friend Alissa’s bachelorette party. We plan to do all the tourist things, eat amazing deep dish pizza, and most importantly celebrate the bride to be. One. My friend Melissa, who just happens to be an amazing hairstylist, gave me a quick trim and some bangs. I know the word bangs makes some people freak out, but I actually think I look better with them. I grew mine out a couple of years ago, but got tired of always tucking them behind my…
Jack: 11 Month Update
Jack. You are one month away from turning a year old. This can’t be possible. This month’s pictures have to be the best yet. You’ll be hard pressed to find a great one in the group, but they are so representative of the current stage you are in. You just can’t be bothered with sitting still to take pictures. The picture above is what happens when we say, “How big is Jack?” You raise your arms up in the air and give a big ole smile. You’ve also learned to point to your hair when asked and you love to brush your hair and other people’s. Your biggest accomplish is…
A Little Life Recap
Here’s what we’ve been up to lately. Living room dance parties. Park time with cousins and friends. Intense games of Memory. Using utensils like a champ…and offering to share already chewed up food. Holding brother against his will at Mexican restaurants. T-ball games in 90 degree weather and 40 degree weather. All within one week. And this has absolutely nothing to do with our life right now but every time I read this it makes me smile. I’m convinced if moths were bigger they would totally eat us.