Happy MLK Jr. Day! Although I’m recapping our weekend, it isn’t technically over since the boys and I have today off for the holiday. My Christmas present from J finally arrived (again) after they sent us the wrong size the first time. Friday night we went to our favorite pizza place. The boys love watching them make the pizza and playing with the dough. Saturday morning the boys and I headed to a new donut place that just opened. We got there at 8:00am and they were already sold out of several kinds. The boys waited very patiently while the staff busily made fresh ones and Jack stared intensely…
Life Hacks You’ll Love
As if you needed another thing to get distracted by, this website will make sure half an hour passes in no time. Here are some of my favorites. What are some of your favorite life hacks that I need to know about? SaveSave
Brown Sugar & Cinnamon Banana Muffins
If you’re like me, at some point you’ll have a bunch of bananas sitting around about to go bad. And if you don’t feel like making yet another banana bread, these muffins are the perfect alternative. They’re cinnamony and sugary and wrapped up in an individual serving. I adapted this recipe from Betty Crocker and I think the addition of the brown sugar makes it perfect! What You Need: For the muffins -2/3 cups sugar -1/2 cup vegetable oil -2 eggs -2 ripe bananas (small-medium size) -1 tsp vanilla -1 and 2/3 cup flour -1 tsp baking soda -1/2 tsp salt -1/2 tsp cinnamon For the topping -1/4 cup white sugar -1/4 light brown…
Weekend Recap
This weekend was pretty perfect. A little bit of relaxing, lots of productivity, and time spent with family and friends. Friday night Ben and I had a mommy-son date to see Into the Woods followed by ice cream at our favorite, Orange Leaf. I know there’s been some controversy about the movie and if it’s appropriate for kids (it’s rated PG). Ben’s almost 6 and he loved it. There are a few scary parts (the wolf) and if you’ve seen the musical, you know how it ends. Like any movie you’d take your kid to you of course want to do your own research. I went grocery shopping at Target…
5 on Friday
This 5 on Friday is a little different than my normal Friday posts. Today I’m bringing you my top 5 favorite posts from 2014. One. This post about Brotherly Love still makes me cry today. Two. My Chipotle Inspired Rice recipe is not only a favorite around our house but you all seemed to love it as well! Three. Our vacation to Gulf Shores can be found here, here, & here. Four. One of my best friends got MARRIED! And the wedding was beautiful! Five. And whether you agree with me or not, this post will hopefully get you thinking. A few other honorable mentions include deluxe breakfast casserole, my Goodwill Haul, fixing a cake disaster, Jack turning ONE, & Bachelorette in Chicago. Linking up…