Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was pretty perfect. A little bit of relaxing, lots of productivity, and time spent with family and friends.
Friday night Ben and I had a mommy-son date to see Into the Woods followed by ice cream at our favorite, Orange Leaf. I know there’s been some controversy about the movie and if it’s appropriate for kids (it’s rated PG). Ben’s almost 6 and he loved it. There are a few scary parts (the wolf) and if you’ve seen the musical, you know how it ends. Like any movie you’d take your kid to you of course want to do your own research. 
I went grocery shopping at Target on Friday afternoon which meant we got to lounge around the house on Saturday morning. In addition to the groceries, I also picked up these adorable Valentine’s Day dish towels and they were only $3 for two.
Saturday morning the boys helped me make Peppermint Snow Clay which smelled wonderful but also extremely messy. And although I may have put out my new Valentine towels, we’re still rocking Christmas pajamas.
We changed out of our pjs for lunch with J’s mom and then we made a trip to Lowe’s to pick up some supplies (and cider beer) for a DIY project. Tutorial coming soon.
Saturday night I celebrated a friend 30th bday and wore my new Forever 21 earrings. I made these easy sausage crustinis to take to the party.  
You know you have great friends when a 30th bday party can instantly transport you to your college days with Jello shots and beer pong.
Sunday was spent recouping from the previous night and I made this dish which literally took a good chunk of the day. Our friend’s Nick & Wendy made it for us a while ago and it was amazing. There is a lot of prep work involved and it does take a while to cook and simmer so it’s best to make this on a weekend when you have more time.
Did any of you watch the Golden Globes? George Clooney’s speech to his wife so sweet but I wonder how it made all his previous girlfriends feel? 
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.

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