Like most people I definitely go through phases where I will read a lot and then not pick up another book until a year later. No, just me? This Summer has proven to be one of those times where I can’t get enough of reading. One night I sat on the couch trying to read the last few pages of my book while the kids stripped naked, ate a brownie, and ran like maniacs around the house. So there’s your warning. I don’t like to read lengthy reviews of books so here’s a quick recap plus my ever sophisticated rating of the books I’ve read recently. Girl on the Train…
Let’s Get Muddy~Mud Run 2016
This past weekend Ben participated in our city’s annual mud run obstacle course for kids. It rained for almost a solid week leading up the run so conditions were perfect for getting messy. Once the kids were off, Jack and I stayed behind near the final obstacle while J ran beside Ben on the sidelines getting video. The home stretch.
Well Hello.
Me again. I’ll save the billion excuses for why I haven’t blogged and just let you know that I’m back. And hopefully with more consistent posts because a lot has been happening around here like… Jack turned 3 and got a new pair of shades I finally had enough with 1/2 decorated rooms and checked some things off my list. A Rainy 4th of July where I managed to dress my kids in as much ‘Merica gear as I could find. Ben crawled around in some mud. And I continue to sweat my way through Summer while drinking all the Starbuck’s drinks. You know you’ve missed this. Linking up with Biana for…
3 Easy Father’s Day Crafts
With Father’s Day right around the corner, here are 3 quick and easy handmade crafts to gift your baby daddy. Although it can get messy, slapping some paint on your little one’s hand or foot is the best keepsake for any parent. And I’ve found that keeping a handful of wipes right next to me makes clean up so much easier. Doing the actual prints took about 10-15 minutes and then putting on the finishing touches once everything was dry another 10-15 minutes. Are you planning on making some homemade gifts? What’s your favorite? Linking up with Annie for Thoughts on Thursday. Follow my blog with Bloglovin SaveSave SaveSave
Berry Picking on the Farm
If I could live on a farm it would be this one. Not only was there a big beautiful farm house and lots of furry farm animals running around, but there was also rows and rows of berries just waiting to be picked. By the looks of their baskets I’ll let you guess which one ate more than he picked.