Although I got quite a bit done around the house last weekend, looking back it doesn’t feel like it. Anyone else ever feel that way? One thing I did manage to get done was painting the bathroom a more neutral grey. This is the upstairs guest bathroom/Ben’s bathroom and it was a BRIGHT salmon color. All that’s left is for J and I to agree on a shower curtain and then I’ll post the bathroom reveal. For the past week, Ben has been taking swimming lessons and learning to use his “ice cream scooper hands” in the water. Obviously he has the jumping off part down. Remember how one of…
4th of July 2012
Our 4th of July was great although it falling in the middle of the week was less than ideal, but at least the week seemed to go by a little faster. The night of the 3rd we were supposed to go over to my parent’s house with my sister and her family for BBQ and fireworks but Ben got in some trouble at school that day (like the biting kind of trouble) and he had to stay home and miss out on the BBQ as a consequence. J and I discussed back and forth for an hour about whether or not we should let him go. We didn’t want him…
July. The Month Of…
Creating! Creating those Pinterest projects if it kills me. A hint…I’ve already completed 3 things from my boards this month and 2/3 have been a success! Creating time to spend with my girlfriends. It’s been far too long. Creating memories with my family. This means checking more things off our Summer Bucket List. Creating a special 31st birthday for J. Ben requested there be lots of cake. Creating a budget and sticking to it. So far so good. Creating time to read this devotional. Creating a house that’s clean, organized, and filled with love. What are you doing this July?
June Goals Update
Remember this post where I explained how I wanted June to be a month of conscious spending, getting things done I’ve been putting off, and enjoying life. Well you know what June became the month of? MOVING. And all things unpacking. And craziness. Here are my June goals so let’s see how I did. 1. Save money and stick to the budget. Not too bad. I actually made a budget and then…moving happened. And with moving comes unexpected costs and the little things add up. I give myself an E for effort. 2. Organize our new house. Everything gets a home and a designated place. Ha. I have no idea what I…
Bathtub Glow Sticks
Look at me! Actually completing things on my list. Here’s our Summer bucket list in case you missed it. This was easy, cheap, and made taking a bath a lot more fun!