Happy 9th Birthday Ben! On January 29th this handsome guy turned the big 9 years old. And then promptly reminded me that he will be a teenager in 4 years. Cue the tears.When your birthday falls on a school day it’s not quite as fun as the weekend, but we made the most of it. Donuts and a birthday candle in the morning.
I ate lunch with him at school and for dinner we had Olive Garden (his favorite) followed by cake and presents. When the candles are trick ones, you have to blow extra hard 🙂
As Ben’s gotten older I’ve traded pretty Pinterest inspired parties for practical ones and I don’t miss it one bit. Not having to clean and cook for a house full of guests is just as great as it sounds. A new SkyZone just opened in our town and it was perfect timing for the birthday party. The kids had so much fun and could be as wild and crazy as they wanted.
CousinsAnd just like that, another year is in the books.