
Jack: 1 Month Update

Jack. You turned 1 month old yesterday. This month seemed like the longest and shortest month all in one. Although we fell in love with you the instant you were born, we have fallen even more in love with you over the past month. You have truly completed our little family and sometimes I want to cry (and do)  just looking at you. 
You are growing bigger every day and I’m trying to savor each moment because I know just how fast it goes. At the doctor’s office 2 weeks ago you weighed 9lbs 2 oz. You wear mostly size 1 diapers and newborn/ 0-3 month clothes although the newborn clothes are getting very snug. 
You definitely LOVE to eat. When we first brought you home you were nursing every 1 to 11/2 hours and I felt like all I did was breastfeed. Now you go at least 2 hours between feedings but not usually anymore than 3. I am so thankful that breastfeeding is going so well and I love that time together. 
You have been many places in the short amount of time you’ve been with us. Your first restaurant experience was Olive Garden and since then you’ve been on a couple lunch outings including lunch with the girls from mommy’s work. You’ve also been to Walmart, Target, church, the mall, and the pool, although you hung out in the shade. No swimming for you yet:)  A few old ladies have tried to touch you while we’ve been out, but I politely steer you away. 
Your brother loves you more than you know. He loves to rub your head and lately when he gets up in the morning he’s started saying, “Well hello there baby Jack.” He loves to help give you a bath (which you love) and lay with you on your play mat. Two kids was a huge adjustment at first but I think we are starting to get the hang of things. 
The first 3 weeks you went to bed around 11:00 pm and were up every 2 to 3 hours, but this last week you’ve been going to bed around 9 or 10:00 pm and sleeping for much longer stretches. The night before you turned 1 month you slept from 9:30pm until 5:30am. and I so appreciated the rest. You are sleeping in your swing in the Halo sleep sack and it has kept you from startling yourself and waking up. I have even been able to put you down not all the way asleep and you fall asleep on your own.
In the past week or so you’ve really started to make noises and coo. The other day your daddy was laying next to you on the play mat and you were just looking at him and cooing. It was the sweetest thing ever. You’ve also started noticing your surroundings and focusing on people’s faces. You LOVE being held and but you also tolerate being in your swing or the play mat for longer periods of time (about 10 minutes) before you get mad and want someone to hold you. You don’t seem bothered by a dirty diaper but you can’t stand being in your car seat if it’s not moving. You usually do great in the car though once we get going. 
I know you are going to change SO much in the next month and I hope time slows down a little so we can soak every moment in. We love you so so much.

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