
A Honeymoon Shower

For those of you read that read often, you’ve read about my good friend Ali, who is getting married in less than 2 weeks. I am so excited for her and her wonderful fiance. They really are perfect for each other.
A friend of ours from high school hosted a shower for her this past weekend. To mix things up from a typical bridal shower, it was honeymoon themed. Guests were encouraged to bring gifts that Ali could use and take with her on her honeymoon such as books, beach towels, flip flops, etc.
I decided to make her a basket filled with things like books, a bottle of wine, lotion, etc. But, in typical fashion, I was running late and didn’t get a chance to take a pic of it before I left the house. 
The shower was a blast and our friend’s house was so cute. She has a five month old who is absolutely adorable and I loved getting to look at the pictures of him throughout the house. I think it’s safe to say everyone was disappointed that his daddy had taken him for the day. We wanted to see that little nugget!
We played several different games, all of which I’d never played before. I was thrilled not to have to play the same shower games again. Ali’s twin sister Sarah, who also happens to be one of my best friends was my team mate for the games. In one game we had to create a unique bikini for Ali’s honeymoon. Here is what we came up with:
The toilet paper tucked in the back is for those occasions when the local island cuisine might not settle too well with her stomach.
The other creations-sadly, ours didn’t win:( It had something to do with it not being something she’d actually wear, yada yada…Who couldn’t use spare toilet paper?!?
Sarah and I
Opening presents
Congrats Ali! Love you and can’t wait for the wedding!!!

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