• Life

    A Bridal Shower with Friends

    Yesterday was our final wedding shower before the big day, which as of today is…. 33 days away! My MOH, Meghan, hosted the shower at her mom’s house since she lives almost 4 hours away. It was originally supposed to be in their neighborhood’s clubhouse but due to a mix up and the clubhouse key not working, the shower was moved to their house a few hours before the party. I know they were rushing around the house getting things ready but you would have never known. Everything looked beautiful and we all had so much fun. We so appreciate all the hard work that went into the shower and to…

  • Life

    A Honeymoon Shower

    For those of you read that read often, you’ve read about my good friend Ali, who is getting married in less than 2 weeks. I am so excited for her and her wonderful fiance. They really are perfect for each other. A friend of ours from high school hosted a shower for her this past weekend. To mix things up from a typical bridal shower, it was honeymoon themed. Guests were encouraged to bring gifts that Ali could use and take with her on her honeymoon such as books, beach towels, flip flops, etc. I decided to make her a basket filled with things like books, a bottle of wine,…