
Fried Onion & Feta Salad

A local steak house in our town not only has amazing steak, but their house salad is equally as good. Although my version isn’t quite the same, it’s pretty close and the best part is it takes less than 5 minutes to put together.
What You Need:
-Cold chopped iceberg lettuce
-1/4 cup finely chopped red and green pepper
-1/3 cup finely chopped cucumber, skin removed
-1 tbsp crumbled feta
-1 Tbsp french fried onions (like you put on green bean casserole)
-1 Tsp chopped walnuts
-Ranch dressing
What You Do:
There’s no right or wrong way to any of this and the measurements don’t have to be exact. You can add more or less of almost any of it depending on your preferences. 
I usually fill a bowl with the lettuce then add the peppers combined, cucumbers, feta, and walnuts then top with the fried onions. Add ranch and eat immediately!
Linking up with SusanAlesha, & Kate.


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