5 on Friday

Friday, Friday

Happy Halloweve! I hope the weather cooperates here and the rain holds off for all the little trick or treaters. I can’t believe when we wake up on Sunday not only will we gain an hour (thanks time change) but it will also be NOVEMBER!!!  
I’m linking up with AmandaAshleighKarli, & April for all things Friday so let’s get going!
Remember how I got “boo’ed” at work, we’ll when I got home yesterday I saw these little goodies waiting at our door. 
After a quick Target run, we’re ready to return the boo.

Has anyone else read this book? There are several bloggers who are following this method to declutter and organize their lives and I’m very tempted to order it. Jennifer is doing a series on it and it’s neat and inspiring seeing all her progress.

When I was little I had a mint green blankey with a silk trim that I carried with me everywhere. On the bus to school, vacations, and shoved in my pillowcase when I stayed the night at a friend’s house. You can imagine the wear that happened after years of snuggles. The silk is long gone, there’s big holes, and to be honest Jack is kind of scared it and insists it not stay in his room. No room momma, no room. So imagine my sentimentalness when Ben feel asleep on the couch the other night with it wrapped around him all snuggled in.

In case you missed it, I blogged about this Creamy Caramel Sauce earlier this week which would be great to make this Halloween weekend.

I will find time this weekend to make Lisa’s DIY Wine Bottle Candle. Is this not amazing? I’m hoping I don’t end up with thousands of tiny pieces of glass all around my kitchen.

Happy Halloween!


  • Just Jess

    My parent's neighborhood always did boo-ing so I brought it to my office. It is so fun to get little treats anonymously. I got a garland of sparkly skulls this year that is decorating the cabinets behind my desk.
    I will have to add that book to my to-read list.
    Just Jess

  • Kris M.

    I just downloaded that book on the audible app. I feel reading self help books can get boring or takes too long…this is great information to listen to and process! It's so nice to listen to while you are cleaning the house or doing other chores! You can get a free trial on audible app on Amazon and cancel after 30 days. That way if you like the book you can buy it as a reference and use it that way! Great post. New reader!

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