• Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    I was determined to make our 3 day weekend productive and I’m proud to say I did just that. This weekend we had crazy weather with sleet and snow as well as temperatures in the 50’s. If you would have told me Friday we would play outside all 3 days this weekend I wouldn’t have believed you considering this was my view on Friday morning. Saturday was our usual weekly grocery shopping. This is just one of the many reasons why I love our local grocery store. How old does Jack have to be before he disqualifies me from the “new mothers” category? Later that afternoon, J and Jack had…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    Nothing like last weekend’s recap the night before the next weekend begins. Like most of the country, we got hit with snow and bitter temperatures. The high last weekend was one degree. On Monday the temperature was -8F at 8:00am. I can’t wait to see how much our heating bill is this month. On a positive note, at least we have a house and heat.  Friday night J and I went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The previews for the movie looked strange but J really wanted to see it. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking this. There were definitely weird parts but…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    The fact that I’m posting about our weekend on a Wednesday is a pretty good indication of how our week is going. On Friday we had our second snow of the season. We got about 3 inches and by noon the roads weren’t terribly bad so I was able to get out and run errands. I love the view from our backyard when it snows.  I got all of our Christmas cards addressed and put in the mail and I’ll post our card once everyone gets theirs. Sometimes I feel like I’m so on top of things, like getting holiday themed stamps, but that’s about it.  I also painted my…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    I’ve decided that every week I am writing “clean house” on my to-do list. Not because I need to remember to do it, the food crumbs do a good enough job of that, but because I’m crazy and I need the satisfaction that comes from scratching an item off the list.  Besides cleaning the house and doing laundry, this weekend was full of playing Legos in bed.  Baby cuddles during nap time. A rare mommy and Jack picture. And a birthday celebration for my 3 year old niece. You know what this weekend wasn’t full off? Me cooking. And it was glorious! Oh wait, I did make breakfast on Sunday…

  • Weekend Recap

    Random Thoughts on a Monday

    This weekend was pretty low key. We hung around the house and I finally had to time to do a good deep cleaning. I also did what feels like 1,000 loads of laundry. In reality it was probably 10. And I know everyone looses the match to socks but have y’all tried finding the match to baby socks? Those things are sooo tiny. I swear I have 5 pairs missing their mate. Maybe I need to make this. Via Jennifer at Life in the Green House posted this picture of the new shelves she put up in her house. I may have to do this next weekend. And by I, I mean J.…