Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

I’ve decided that every week I am writing “clean house” on my to-do list. Not because I need to remember to do it, the food crumbs do a good enough job of that, but because I’m crazy and I need the satisfaction that comes from scratching an item off the list. 
Besides cleaning the house and doing laundry, this weekend was full of playing Legos in bed. 
Baby cuddles during nap time.
A rare mommy and Jack picture.
And a birthday celebration for my 3 year old niece.
You know what this weekend wasn’t full off? Me cooking. And it was glorious! Oh wait, I did make breakfast on Sunday morning, and I want credit for it. 
And although this was last weekend, I forgot to mention that J and I watched The Heat and it was super funny. I laughed out loud a lot. Like full blown, tears running down my face kinda laughter.
What was your weekend full of?

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