• Motherhood

    15 Week Bump Update

    I’m a week behind getting this posted, so I’m actually 16 weeks today! I hope to get a picture and the 16 week update on the blog tomorrow. Size of the baby: 4 inches. The size of an apple Total weight gain: Not sure. Our scale at home quit working, but I’ll know at my doctor’s apt next week. Maternity clothes: Pants, but mostly regular tops. Some maternity tops for the length. Sleep: Pretty good still. Gender: It’s a BOY!!! Movement: I felt a few flutters around the beginning of 14 weeks. Food cravings/aversions: Craving-fruit, salads with walnuts and Feta(although I can’t eat it) Aversions-nothing I can think of this week. What I…

  • Motherhood

    Baby Number Two & 13 Week Bump Update

    A lot of you already know or have guessed by now but just in case you missed it… Baby Number 2 will be making it’s debut June 2013! 8 Week Ultrasound 13 Weeks and already sucking it’s thumb! I love this little peanut so much already!  I didn’t really do weekly belly shots with Ben and it’s amazing to me how much the stomach can grow. Here are some shots from the past weeks. 8 Weeks It’s crazy how much faster you start to show with the 2nd one! 13 Weeks 13 Week Recap Size of the baby: 3 inches and the size of a medium shrimp Total weight gain:…

  • Motherhood

    Only A Baby…

    -Can have the fattest rolls on their thighs and people think it’s cute.  via -Can get away with dropping little bits of food under the table at a restuarant without the wait staff thinking their an ahole. -Can get away with wearing bears, lions, and elephants on their butts. via -Can give toothless grins that are adorable instead of disgusting. -Can make speghetti fashionable. via Can give wet slobbery kisses and still be allowed in the bed to cuddle. Can fill your life with a love you never thought possible.

  • Motherhood

    Something to Remember

    Hopefully you were able to catch up on our Branson trip this past weekend here. In that post I let y’all know how awesome Ben did on the car ride down. No crying, yelling, fusing, a sweet little angel. He was actually really good all weekend. That is until it was time to make the almost 4 hour trip back home. That experience was the complete opposite of our ride down to Branson. I think God likes to remind us that just when we think we’ve got everything under control, we need a little test to humble us. When we got home from the trip, we were exhausted and I…

  • Holidays,  Motherhood

    Mother’s Day {2011}

    Besides this present We also got to spend time with all the great mom’s in our lives. We spent Saturday visiting J’s side of the family. Lucky for me, maybe unlucky for him, J’s grandma busted out all his baby pictures. That hair! We also got to see our sweet niece who is getting so big. Ben was pretending to sleep and J’s aunt would rock him. It was precious. Sunday was the day. We told all our family and friends except for my parents who we were eating lunch with that afternoon. When we got to the restaurant I blatantly begin pointing to things on the menu and it…