I believe that everyone, even if you can’t afford it, should have access to quality healthcare. Is the new healthcare mandate the way to do this? I don’t know. But no one should ever be denied coverage because they have diabetes or cancer or are pregnant or can’t afford it. I am fortunate to be offerred healthcare through my job and be able to pay for it. I am also willing to pay a little more so that others may have insurance as well. Maybe the first step is to start with coverage for children. I don’t think any of us would disagree that all children should have this right. I believe that our…
Paw Fish
A little over a week ago we found out J’s grandpa had cancer. The cancer had been undiagnosed for a while and we were told he had a few weeks to a few months. Early on Saturday morning he passed away much sooner than anyone thought and I am so glad we went to visit him sooner rather than later. All of my grandparents passed away when I was younger. My last living grandfather passed away when I was a few months pregnant with Ben. I am forever grateful that being part of J’s family meant I had grandparents again. They’ve never once treated me as anything but their own.…
Moving’s A You Know What
Does anyone else HATE moving? Don’t get me wrong, I love our new house, but it doesn’t quite feel like “home” yet. Hopefully the more stuff I get put away the more cozy it will become. At 2:00am, after we unloaded the second U-HAUL truck, I was exhuasted and over it all. I started thinking about why this move was so dang bad. I realized this was the first time I had ever moved myself. I have always had movers move my stuff so no wonder I was freakin tired. When J and I moved into our last house I was 9 months pregnant, PRAISE THE LORD, which automatically meant…
I was going to do a post about J and I adjusting back to the real world from after the wedding and honeymoon. A post about how we both have been feeling a little down now that the excitement over the wedding is over. I was going to post this until I got on Facebook and learned that a lady in our church who I had grown up with and whose kids I hung out with passed away this morning in a car accident. Our post wedding blues don’t seem like such a big deal after all. This women was an amazing mother and grandma. 12 hours ago she was posting…
We’re Back and We’re Married!
J and I got back late Monday night and although we had an amazing time, we were more than excited to be back home and reunited with the little man. I may have shed several a few tears. Updates on all the wedding festivities and the honeymoon coming soon!