Remember how I told you in this post that our car got broken into in St. Louis? Yeah, fun times. Myself, my parents, and my sister and her family went to St. Louis for the weekend to celebrate both of my niece’s birthdays. I rode with my parents and J was meeting up with us Sunday morning. We had a great day Saturday filled with a trip to the zoo, swimming at the hotel pool, and dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Sunday we checked out of our hotel and headed to the City Museum. We paid to park at a lot near the museum and then spent the day playing and having…
Currently I Am: Listening: To the tv and the dishwasher…and the baby monitor (hopefully he stays asleep). Loving: That my bestie is in town and I get to meet her sweet new baby girl. Drinking: Water. Although I can’t wait for margaritas with my friend Alissa later this week. Reading: The Pioneer Woman’s blog. Wearing: A t-shirt and pajama pants. It’s almost bedtime. Thinking about: All the house projects I want to finish, including painting the master bedroom and bath. Feeling: Ready for bed. Eating: Nothin. Wondering if: I’m lame because I want to go to bed at 9:00pm. Realizing: Our baby will be 2 months old tomorrow. Sob.
Everyday Happenings
We celebrated J’s grandma’s birthday with pizza, cake, and lots of grandkids. I also failed my 1 hour glucose test but thankfully I went the next day for the 3 hour and passed! Last week I came down with a horrible cold. Normally when I get a cold I push through it but this one was bad. Thursday morning I woke up and my throat was on fire, I couldn’t stop blowing my nose, and my eyes were watering non-stop. I may have broken down and cried at one point. By Sunday I was feeling much better and Ben and I caught a movie and enjoyed the beautiful weather we’ve been having with…
Lots of Snow Days
Last Thursday and Friday we got 10+ inches of snow. Just as the snow started to melt and the roads were cleared, another snow storm hit Tuesday and it’s still snowing some today. Rather than sulk about all that snow, we decided to play in it:) The First Snow The 2nd round of snow Happy Snow Days!
Life Lately
We’ve had a lot going on since the beginning of the New Year. Here’s a little recap. I had dinner at a friend’s house with work gals and got to love on this little cutie. I made some Chicken Chili, perfect for the cold weather. We also enjoyed a few nice days and Ben got to take his Christmas present out for a ride. I had dinner with these ladies and laughed more than I have in a really long time. We’ve been sporting lots of mustaches lately with a mustache themed baby shower and a birthday party. Last year, 3 boys in Ben’s class all had the same Valentines…