• Life

    A Birthday Surprise

    Apparently I turned 50 on my birthday.  Too bad J is only 32. Looks like we won’t be taking advantage of that free spouse/partner membership. I think I look pretty good for 50.

  • Life

    Another Year Older

    This year has been challenging and amazing all in one. I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store and I hope it’s filled with just as many good times, new memories, and lots of love.

  • Life

    Gone Fishing

    This weekend was a good mix of productivity and relaxation. Well as much as you can do of both with a 4 year old and 3 month old. Saturday I planned on getting out all my fall decorations but it rained the entire day. J’s mom and niece ended up coming over for lunch and to hang out for the afternoon. Sunday was beautiful so we took full advantage of the gorgeous weather and went fishing. My sister’s friend lives on a huge farm with a lake full of fish just waiting to be caught. When I was younger I fished a lot on family vacations with my dad but…

  • Life

    The Liebster Award

    Well what do you know? Madison over at Newly Made Momma nominated my little blog for the Liebster Award which is an award given by peers to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. Thank you so much Madison for nominating me. Make sure you check out Madison’s blog to see ADORABLE pictures of her new baby girl! The rules of the award are: 1. Link back to the person who nominated you 2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator 3. Choose 11 bloggers, each with under 200 followers and nominate them for the award 4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer 5. Contact…

  • Life

    Things I Know For Sure

    Hey Friends! Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day. Ours was filled with family and getting in the last of our Summer activities. While I work on writing up a real blog post, here are some “Things I know for sure.” Things I Know For Sure: Fountain Dr. Pepper tastes way better than bottled. It is possible to love your second child just as much as the first. I’d rather be hot than cold. Miley Cyrus needs some guidance. On how to dress, act, and keep her tongue in her mouth. The first few weeks with a newborn is tough. Really really tough. It get’s easier. The minute we become…